Fox & Patton Advisor srl is a specialist in Business Information, Business Intelligence and Credit Risk Management Consulting .
The current partners of Fox & Patton Advisor, Bracone + Bommarito, have been operating in the sector since 1978 . First in the Kosmos spa in Milan, which later became Dun & Bradstreet Kosmos spa. In 1990 they deepened their experience in Eurinform Italia srl in Milan, until in 1996 they founded Fox & Parker srl with headquarters in Turin.
In 2001 the CO.E.RI. srl, which in 2011 becomes
CO.E.RI. KOSMOS srl to deal, in addition to debt collection, also with Civil Mediation (ADR). In April 2016 CO.E.RI. KOSMOS srl obtains the official recognition from ACCREDIA (MISE) of the first Certification Scheme of the Credit Management System in the company, CRMS FP 07: 2015 .
At the same time CO + K opens, together with the Certification Body Aicq Sicev, the First National Register with European recognition for the certification of Credit Risk Auditor, Credit Risk Manager and Credit Risk Specialist.
A real revolution in the Credit Risk Management sector begins.
On 31 August 2016, "Fox & Parker" sold the Business Information business unit to Cerved Group and also disposed of the "Investigations Italy" division, thus liquidating the third shareholder of "Fox & Parker".
In December 2018 Fox & Patton Advisor obtained the Certification of its Quality System , issued by Norwegian organization DNV GL, with a view to Continuous Improvement that has always guided Fox's operational choices.
In July 2019 Accredia approves the ADDENDUM EFRMS 14: 2019 , which integrates the CRMS FP 07: 2015 Certification management aspect of the company, in view of Legislative Decree 14: 2019.
In July 2020 F&PA launches new products available online and off line with greater added value.
A new phase begins for F&PA, towards the goal of being recognized on the market as "The Specialist".
Today Fox & Patton Advisor, Italian Investigation Agency and Italian Business Information and Credit Checks, comprises 6 Divisions: